Sysmex grant share with artificial intelligence as a theme is 50% in Q4 2023. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.
Recent Patents
Application: Image analysis method, apparatus, program, and learned deep learning algorithm (Patent ID: US20230419696A1)
The patent filed by Sysmex Corp. describes an image analysis method using a deep learning algorithm to generate data indicating the region of a cell nucleus in an image of tissue or a cell. The system includes an imaging device to capture the image and an image analysis apparatus connected to analyze the image using the deep learning algorithm. Training data for the algorithm are generated based on bright field and fluorescence images of the tissue or cell, with the fluorescence image indicating the cell nucleus region corresponding to the bright field image.
The image analysis system is designed to distinguish and present the region of the cell nucleus in the analysis target image, with the deep learning algorithm determining whether a specific position in the image is part of the cell nucleus region. The training data include label values extracted from both bright field and fluorescence images, with the algorithm classifying the analysis data into classes indicating the cell nucleus region. Additionally, the system can output a cell nucleus region weighted image where the region of the cell nucleus is superimposed on the analysis target image, providing a visual representation of the analysis results.
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